Software Design for Six Sigma: A Roadmap for Excellence is a very vital to software design activities that decide quality, cost, cycle time of the software and can be greatly improved if the right strategy and methodologies are used. Major IT corporations are training many software design engineers, project leaders to become Six Sigma Black Belt, or Master Black Belt, enabling them to play the leader role in corporate excellence.
Our book, Software Design For Six Sigma: A Roadmap for Excellence, constitutes an algorithm of software design using the design for six sigma thinking, tools, and philosophy to software design. The algorithm will also include conceptual design frameworks, mathematical derivation for Six Sigma capability upfront to enable design teams to disregard concepts that are not capable upfront ?leaning the software development cycle and saving developmental costs.
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) offers engineers powerful opportunities to develop more successful systems, software, hardware, and processes. In applying Design for Six Sigma to Software systems, Dr. El-Haik , SSPI CEO, offer a realistic, step-by-step process for succeeding with DFSS. Their clear, start-to-finish roadmap is designed for successfully developing complex high-technology products and systems.
The uniqueness of this book is bringing all those methodology under the umbrella of design and give detailed description about how those methods, QFD, Robust Design methods, Software Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (SFMEA), Design for X (Design for X-abiliy includes reliability, testability, reusability, availability, etc. ), Axiomatic Design be utilized to help quality improvements in software development, what kinds of different roles those methods play in various stages of design and how to combine those methods to form a comprehensive strategy, a design algorithm, to tackle any quality issues in design stage.