In this SSPI product, with generic behavior simulation of extended product transfer function models, it is possible to detect abnormal or mal- behavior of systems under used conditions. Based on this behavior analysis and extended transfer function models, CAR process can be performed by computer-aided manner, and can be very efficient to avoid laborious work and possible errors while minimizing testing budget.
The analysis of engineered systems is based on the assumption that the system will function in a particular environment and may fail at any time randomly or according to the inherent failure distribution. The key word in reliability is "Function" and that can be expressed by modeling and simulation as a "Transfer Function." At times, a failure in a system might cause the user some inconvenience, but at other times, the impact might be more severe and even cause the loss of human life.
CAR is a set of concepts with SSPI in-house software tool that can simulate all kinds of failures in a system and the effects of such failures on system behavior. CAR will help to develop a more reliable system, with cost effective hardware, while shortening the development cycle time.
CAR simulates all potential functional and process failures that can be expressed as transfer functions (electrical/ electronic/ mechanical and software). For high availability systems, CAR recommends the optimal settings of design parameters needed to achieve the highest reliability at a minimum cost. For electronic system design, CAR helps select the correct parts according to the stress load & temperature. For mechanical system design, CAR helps to reduce wear-out, aging, fatigue, cracks, corrosion, loss of strength and reduces the individual part failure rate as well as for complex mechanical system.
When interfaced with Axiomatic Design, CAR is used in the preliminary design phase as a bottom-up reliability optimization and allocation tool using transfer functions, applicable parameter distributions, computer-aided design of experiment and probabilistic design.
These components can be deployed altogether or individually to fit your organization needs. Our consultants will work with you to customize a service program that exceed your expectations.
To know more, contact us @: info@sixsigmapi.com or (734) 765-5229.