The purpose of DFR process is to provide requirements for Design for Reliability (DFR) activities, which are intended to be an integral part of every product development effort in order to continuously improve product reliability and robustness. DFR provides: Provide a consistent, orderly, and repeatable reliability engineering process to plan, design, develop, test, and build products in accordance with Technology & Product Development Process (T&PDP) Identify methods for defining product reliability requirements and activities based on the customer requirements.
The reliability process integrates with a generic Technology & Product Development Process (T&PDP) and can be tailored as specified in your T&PDP. The Product Development Process defines the scope and applicability. The Reliability Plan shall document the tailoring of the DFR activities. The Reliability Plan shall be created by the design team. It is the responsibility of the design team to implement the Design for Reliability by completing the activities outlined in the Reliability Plan.
DFR activities are part of various elements in Technology & Product Development activities during the complete product life cycle.
Goals of the DFR Process
To know more, contact us @: info@sixsigmapi.com or (734) 765-5229.