This Six Sigma Professionals, Inc. (SSPI) offering will bring together two driving forces Computer aided design and Six Sigma Tools, Methods & Best Practices and show how the synergy of these forces can accelerate the engineering value creation process while reducing cycle time and improve quality and reliability. In virtual world, most of Six Sigma statistical concepts are NOT applicable. For example, replication in a computer-aided experiment will produce the same result even if the experiment was repeated thousands of time and therefore statistical error can't be estimated. Traditional DOE, hypothesis testing and confidence interval analyses will no longer be applicable. New methods and tools are required to aid the engineering design decision making process.
In the virtual domain, it is often difficult to building model transfer functions that approximate the true response behavior within the desired accuracy. Traditional statistical Six Sigma approximation techniques such as physical-based design of experiments and response surface methodology suffer from sever limitations and their virtual-world limited capability circumvent their application to generate accurate approximations for engineering applications even with typical engineering behaviors including nonlinearity.
This SSPI offering features project and program consulting, training & deployment on Computer-Aided Axiomatic Design, Design & Analysis of Computer Experiments, Computer-Aided Robust Design (CARD), Process Simulation & Computer-Aided Reliability (CAR) to name a few. These components can be deployed altogether or individually to fit your organization needs. Our consultants will work with you to customize a service program that exceed your expectations.
To know more, contact us @: info@sixsigmapi.com or (734) 765-5229.