We at Six Sigma Professionals, Inc. have incorporated our many years of implementation experience into our current training approach. The result of this experience has taught us that people learn tools & methods more effectively if they have a deep understanding of what the tool is supposed to accomplish. It is also important to appreciate what specific value a particular tool provides in the context of the process that it is being applied. How does a particular tool lead to the use of another tool?
How do leaders prevent superficial implementation or 'check the box' tools implementation? Perhaps your company has implemented Six Sigma tools before but with minimal success or staying power. Six Sigma Professionals have established a 'principle centered' training and implementation approach that addresses these issues mentioned above. Our client Black Belts have told us that this approach provides a fundamental understanding of the tools and the Six Sigma process that leads to a quality implementation and greater project results in terms of sigma performance, financial results, and project closure rates.
The Six Sigma and DFSS principles represent a group of fundamental ideas upon which our development process is based. The development and encouraged use of principles is traceable to the product development gurus of our time (Deming, Shewhart, Pugh, Altshuller, and Taguchi). These principles provide a common foundation, enabling interpretation and application of the DFSS (and DMAIC) process from a common point of understanding.
"Principles link tools and Six Sigma/DFSS deliverables in a coherent way that prevents 'check-the-box' (superficial) implementation."
To learn more, contact us @: info@sixsigmapi.com or (734) 765-5229.